The project concerns the development of a framework of digital services for recording, organising and promoting the music of Corfu. The project emphasizes the documentation and promotion of the historical music stock of important composers of Corfu and the promotion of contemporary music creation of the philharmonic orchestras and choirs active on the island of Corfu, as well as contemporary composers. In particular, it is planned to develop a digital platform that brings together the rich music of Corfu and makes it accessible to the public for research, learning and entertainment. The digital platform will be accompanied by an application for smart phones through which users will receive an experience of exploration and search for the music of Corfu through the highlighting of specific musical paths (conceptually categorized musical documents), as well as expressions of interest to participate in musical events of the city.
The scientific methodology of the project identifies four (4) work packages that focus on (a) collection/creation, semantic documentation and technological adaptation of the music content, (b) development of the appropriate digital infrastructure and subsystems (web platform and mobile applications), (c) operation and evaluation of the usability and added value of the digital applications by the end users and (d) maximizing the visibility and publicity of the results through a grid of dissemination and promotion actions.